Sunday, May 22, 2011

Something Different

Try something different this summer everyone! I just turned 21 and decided I wanted to start to do things with no questions or hesitations. So far I've gone on road trips, gone to the movies at least once a week, watched drag racing, indulged in my appetite, gone for nature walks, had a sick 21st birthday party, gone to a yankee game, bought tickets for me and my bf to see my favorite band, burned uncountable cd's, drank butterbeer, bought tons of staple items for my wardrobe that I never had the energy to buy and the big one...dyed a lot of my hair a mix of green, blue and purple streaks. I have so much more planned for this year-This is just the beginning and I couldn't be happier! :)

So here's your chance everyone! Go do something that you never let yourself do or things that you just put aside. Do something crazy! I promise you will not regret it. Do whatever you want and everything else will seem to fall completely into place.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fashions Found, Want Now.

Summer is well on it's way, everyone! So excited. I can feel this years gonna be a great one. P.S somebody find me those shorts complete with hearts as back pockets.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spring's On Its Way

Easter Sunday!
Finally started to get warm around here so I had to take advantage via my outfit, obviously.