Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Side-boob. It's glorious. Everybody should love the side-boob. It's a cute little peek-a-boo and there is almost no way it can be trashy if you know how to do it. Here are some tips to pull off this hot and rising look: 1) Do NOT under any circumstances let your nipple just "happen" to slip out. It's not cute. 2) A club shirt that is too small and makes your boobs explode out of the sides of the armholes is not side boob, it's your lack of fashion sense. And 3) If you find an oversized racerback tank, you're pretty much golden with a cute and flirty top with side-boob potential. Join the love.

credit: urban outfitters, lauren moshi, wessex.

"The only rule is don't be boring and dress cute wherever you go. Life's too short to blend in.”
-Paris Hilton

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Poor girl...

I'll start this blog off with this picture of a girl I saw in one of my classes at school yesterday(Yes, I'm a college student.) So....wtf is happening here. No, no but really let's break this down from the top to the bottom. The poor girl is wearing a black zip-up sweatshirt with tigers, flowers, sticks, trees and some type of creepy chupacabra animal on it. Now maybe it has some sentimental value to her or whatever, but she should keep it in the house...it's hideous. Moving on to the baby blue "I'm a hippie from medieval times" skirt. Honey, gypsy skirts came back for like a month in 1999. It's 2010 let's get a handle on things. Now to the winning item of the outfit. I mean who DOESN'T love neon red velvet flat boots? In all seriousness, I would like to know where she found these bizarre pieces of hell. Besides the fact that these boots need to be burned for multiple reasons (heel-less being the least of the problems), the person who created them needs to be put away. I can't say anymore because I could go on for hours but just let the picture do the talking.

"If you are not in fashion, you are nobody." -Lord Chesterfield

Well hello there, fellow captives of the fashion land.

Well ladies and gents, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Olivia, obviously. I have been massively obsessed with clothes and fashion since I was a mini-me. Like many fashion-lovers, I usually find that the clothes I want are always the most expensive kind. This blog is going to show high-fashion designer clothes, cheaper but cute clothing, cosmetics that I like/dislike and a little bit of fashion forecasting. Basically whatever the hell I feel like posting about fashion, is going to be posted.

"Fashions fade. Style is eternal." -Yves St. Laurent